Make a Donation In Memory of…
Donate In Memory of … by completing the Tribute section above the Process Button.
All of the suicide prevention services we offer are completely FREE of charge, which is why we rely on grants and your generous donations.
Here’s what we can do with your support:
$28 provides a firearm/medication lockbox to anyone in need
$75 brings our Mental Might assembly to 4th & 5th graders where they develop their protective factors
$150 certifies 25-40 adults in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention gatekeeper training
$250 allows ASP to consult with HR professionals, managers, and business owners to support employee mental health
$400 offers 2 months of our Heartbeat support group to people who have lost a loved one to suicide
$1,000 teaches an entire middle or high school REPLY suicide prevention training
Your gift makes a big impact. Thank you for considering a donation to the Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County
Details for Donations
EIN#: 84-1194619
Contact: Kimberly Moeller
Address: 525 W. Oak St, Suite B-10, Fort Collins CO, 80521
Phone: 970-482-2209
Thank you for supporting suicide prevention education and outreach in Larimer County!