Youth Programming - Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County

Youth Suicide Prevention

REPLY (Resiliency education protecting the lives of youth)

REPLY is a free suicide prevention program available to all middle and high school youth in Larimer County.  Since 1992, the Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County’s youth program has been training youth on the signs and symptoms of someone who may need mental health support.  Understanding these signs and symptoms, along with knowing actions to take and available resources, are critical to helping someone who needs mental health support.

REPLY reaches 4,000-8,000 students each school year with over 90% of students reporting an increase in knowledge of mental health issues and suicidal symptoms, a higher likelihood for help-seeking behavior for themselves or someone else, and an increased awareness of available resources.  We achieve this by using a comprehensive approach through education, support, skill building, and increasing social connectedness.

REPLY is a program with evidence of effectiveness and uses strategic practices to specifically address the youth population.  We offer to work with your organization to personalize our program to best meet the needs of your unique students or youth group.

Family/Community REPLY
Want to do a Community REPLY training with other families and their kids or do you have a youth group that you want to get trained in suicide prevention? Use the form below or contact one of our Program Directors, Traci Sandoval  

Zero Suicide Parent Resources

Youth Action for Health: A coalition of Fort Collins teens working to improve the health of youth in our community!

Youth Action for Health ( YAH) meets weekly to discuss important youth health related topics and create innovative solutions. With representation across grades, schools, and more, YAH provides a platform for young people to share their voices, perspectives, and ideas. We strive to uplift all youth in Fort Collins, so we have a very flexible structure for all members. Consistent attendance is not mandatory; we welcome anyone who can come at any time! Our purpose is to create a positive community within our group and promote positive communities elsewhere as much as we can! 

They are currently meeting every Thursday from 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Foothills Activity Center!
See Schedule and Calendar for more information.

TAC212 Teen Center 

TAC 212 strives to be an inclusive and fun space as well as a drug and alcohol-free place. We hope TAC 212 becomes a “Third” space outside of school and home for teens to feel supported and make lasting connections.   Youth Advisory Committee meets every other Monday with a focus on the new TAC212 Youth Center, learn more. Check out TAC212 Events here. Learn something new with other youth in Larimer County. Register for classes here.

Larimer County’s Youth Mental Health Task Force is seeking student representatives. If you or someone you know is interested in being apart of the Larimer County Mental Health Task Force, please fill out this application. Quarterly Meetings, Dinner served. For more information contact

TTU (Thompson Teens United) is recruiting.  Youth can visit the website or email for more information. 

Get Involved Teen Action Council Application Here


The Teen Self-Care Fair is an annual fair that encourages youth to understand how to take care of themselves and stay mentally healthy.  Various vendors and organizations come together in a fun and exciting setting to interact with youth.

2024 Survey Results

Coming soon!

Youth Support Groups

Contact about Youth Programming

Are You In Crisis?

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, call or text Crisis Support 988.

Support US

Our organization is entirely supported by local business and individual donors.

Free Training

We work with organizations to provide prevention training.


525 W. Oak St. Suite B10
Fort Collins, CO 80521

(970) 482-2209

email us