Make a Donation In Memory of…
Here’s what we can do with your support:
- $28 provides a firearm/medication lockbox to anyone in need
- $75 brings our Mental Might assembly to 4th & 5th graders where they develop their protective factors
- $150 certifies 25-40 adults in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention gatekeeper training
- $250 allows ASP to consult with HR professionals, managers, and business owners to support employee mental health
- $400 offers 2 months of our Heartbeat support group to people who have lost a loved one to suicide
- $1,000 teaches an entire middle or high school REPLY suicide prevention training
Details for Donations
EIN#: 84-1194619
Contact: Kimberly Moeller
Address: 525 W. Oak St, Suite B-10, Fort Collins CO, 80521
Phone: 970-482-2209
Your gift makes a big impact. Thank you for considering a donation to the Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County
Thank you for supporting suicide prevention education and outreach in Larimer County!