Heartbeat Grief Support Group - Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County

Heartbeat Grief Support Group

Grief following a suicide is complex and can be overwhelming. When someone we love dies by suicide, we may have many unanswered questions, and may feel a barrage of different emotions, sometimes cycling through multiple within a few minutes at a time or feeling stuck in others for so long we feel like they won’t end. The stigma surrounding suicide can make it difficult to know where to turn with these difficult questions and emotions, often making suicide grief a very isolating experience. ASP’s Heartbeat Grief Support Group is a space for suicide loss survivors to connect with others who understand the journey we’re on and accompany each other through it. This is not a journey you have to go through alone, and we are waiting and ready to hold space for you and support you in whatever ways are helpful. This group is free of charge and drop-ins are welcome, RSVPs are required.
“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.”
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


This monthly grief support group is for individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. Heartbeat does not replace therapy. The healing achieved within this group is the result of understanding, encouragement and caring. Privacy and confidentiality are respected. This group is offered free of charge.

The Heartbeat Grief Support Group meets every month from 6:30-8:00 PM as follows
1st Tuesday (in-person)

2nd Wednesday (virtual)
3rd Thursday (in-person)

All of our grief support group meetings are always free of charge.
Please RSVP *here* 
Contact our Grief Specialist/Fellow Survivor, Arlie, at grief@suicideprevent.org for questions

Share your experiences with the Heartbeat Grief Support Group HERE

Stay up to date on upcoming Heartbeat dates, local events, and important reminders!
Join our Heartbeat mailing list here! (We promise we won’t spam you!)

CARING CONVERSATIONS: Feeling unsure about attending your first Heartbeat and want to establish a familiar face before you participate? Have you been attending group and want to share your story more than you could in a group setting? Just want a free cup of coffee and good conversation with a peer? Connecting with someone who has experienced the same type of loss can be truly impactful. We provide one-on-one peer support and compassionate listening to those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Let us buy you a treat (coffee, tea, ice cream, etc) while we chat.

*Click here* to request a one-on-one coffee meeting.

Download our Grief Support Booklet

Many loss survivor’s hands and hearts have touched this booklet, alongside professionals, in an
attempt to share practical information and resources to help you navigate the complex grief journey that is suicide loss. Taking care of yourself during times of grief and loss can sometimes seem
overwhelming and impossible. ASP’s Grief Support booklet is here in case you need a little help getting started.

Do you or someone you know need financial support following a suicide loss?
Submit a request for Suicide Loss Survivor’s Benefits Referral Form

If you have additional questions or interests regarding Grief Services please contact grief@suicideprevent.org

We Understand, We Accept, We Support…We cannot take away your pain, but we can share it in an atmosphere of love and acceptance.

Are You In Crisis?

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, call or text Mental Health Support 988.

You do not have to be suicidal to use this lifeline! You can use this for any type of emotional or mental crisis, support or advice.
Available 24/7 Free Confidential Call, Text or Chat

Support US

All of our services are FREE thanks to donations from the community. Please consider supporting our organization. 

Free Training

We provide prevention training for businesses, organizations and schools at no cost. Contact us today for a free consultation.


525 W. Oak St. Suite B10
Fort Collins, CO 80521

(970) 482-2209

email us

Are You In Crisis?

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, call 988 or Colorado Crisis Support 1-844-493-8255 or text HOME to 741741.

National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
You do not have to be suicidal to use this lifeline! You can use this for any type of emotional or mental crisis, support or advice.
Available 24/7 Free Confidential Call, Text or Chat